From the Heart of Dixie to the Gold Coast: Navigating Change in 2023

From the Heart of Dixie to the Gold Coast: Navigating Change in 2023

As the Shadows Podcast bids farewell to 2023 and steps into 2024, we reflect on a year characterized by a single, powerful word: change. In this brief recap episode, Tripp guides us through the intricacies of behind-the-scenes planning, recordings, and the dynamic process of relocation. He delves into the challenges of securing notable guests for series like the Rebound Series and the Gladiator Gauntlet, all while managing the feat of sustaining the podcast amidst the transition of moving his family from Alabama to California.

Lastly, Tripp shares the invaluable lessons learned from the podcasting journey, offering insights that aspiring podcasters can benefit from. What were the key takeaways from experiences, and how did these insights shape the direction of the podcast? As we stand on the threshold of 2024, what exciting developments does the Shadows Podcast have in store as it embarks on a fresh and innovative path?

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